
Learning to Let Go: How to Know When it’s Time to Get a Divorce

someone placing ring in hand of another

No one goes into marriage thinking that it will fail, and most couples truly believe they will beat the odds. However, life is full of crazy twists and turns that can ultimately lead us down a different path than what we had initially planned. This makes the decision to end a marriage all that more difficult. A lot of hard work and time goes into a marriage, but sometimes it’s just not enough. So when do you finally call it quits? Here are some signs that it’s possibly time to file for divorce.

1. Your Marriage is Making You Sick

Do you have a negative physical reaction whenever you interact with your spouse? Does your heart race with anxiety? Or does the very thought of staying in your marriage make you feel sick to your stomach? If so, you should pay attention to what your body is saying.

You can try to convince yourself that everything will work out and that you’re fine with staying in the marriage until things get better - even though you’ve been trying for months. Our bodies have a way of revealing the truth. If you’re becoming physically sick and anxious because of your situation, it might be time to make a change.

2. Everything is More Important than Your Marriage

There’s nothing wrong with spending time with your children, friends, and family. It’s even good to have a hobby, but if those things always take importance over your spouse and marriage, then you’re possibly ready for a divorce.

How long have you been avoiding actually participating in your marriage? You’ve reached the point where you’d rather spend the day knitting or doing anything other than spending even a minute with your spouse. That’s a sign that your marriage is possibly over.

3. You’re Unable to Forgive Past Actions

Perhaps your spouse has done something you consider unforgivable. For instance, maybe your spouse cheated with a close friend. It’s sometimes possible to move past such incidents and rebuild the marriage. However, in some cases, moving forward isn’t an option.

If you have lingering resentment, anger, or animosity you’ve been unable to release, then your marriage is unlikely to survive. Sometimes destroyed trust is impossible to rebuild. In that case, it’s probably time to call it quits.

4. You’re Already Preparing to Leave

Be honest with yourself — Have you opened your own checking account? Have you started a new job in order to earn more money? Are you excited by the thought of a new life? Or maybe you are already living life as if you were single. These are all signs you’ve already got one foot out the door. Now is the time to really think about your future and whether or not you can see one with your spouse.

5. You and Your Spouse No Longer Have an Emotional Connection

An emotional bond is necessary for a successful marriage. Your spouse is where you get love and support. It’s the one person who you can count on no matter what. And your spouse is the first person you think of when you want to share the good news. Does this apply to your marriage? If not, then divorce is possibly in your near future.

Moving Forward with Your Life

Deciding to get a divorce isn’t an easy decision. Not only can it take a toll on your mental and physical health, but it can affect your entire life from your personal relationships to your finances as well. Now more than ever, it’s essential to have trusted counsel by your side to navigate the complicated Pennsylvania divorce process.

Although you may be able to handle a divorce on your own, having a trusted Philadelphia divorce attorney on your side is recommended. Issues, such as child custody, child support, property division, and alimony are best handled by a legal professional who understands and has experience working with Pennsylvania divorces.

If you are ready to end your marriage, Testa & Pagnanelli, LLC is here to help you navigate the next steps of divorce. Our skilled Montgomery County divorce lawyers will explain your options and provide personalized solutions to ensure you have the information you need to effectively manage the divorce process. You will never be left alone in the dark during this transitional phase of your life.

Testa & Pagnanelli, LLC is here to help with your divorce when you're ready. Call us at (610) 365-4733 to set up a free consultation with our Montgomery County divorce attorneys.

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